We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following sources:
Neuron Fund for Support of Science

Impulse grant in Physics 2014
Bioinspired light-harvesting systems based on fluorographene
Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

(2018-2020) Grant no. 18-18022S
Graphene-based Biomimetic Light-Harvesting Systems
(2017-2019) Grant no. 17-22160S
Quantum theory of excitation energy transfer and advanced optical spectroscopy: from small dye molecules to light-harvesting complexes
Past funding from GAČR
(2014-2016) Grant no. 14-25752S
Microscopic environmental determinants and self-regulation of photosynthetic energy transfer
(2010-2013) Grant no. P205/10/0989
Molecular complexes as open quantum systems: delocalization, decoherence, dissipation, photoinduced dynamics and ultrafast spectroscopy